Eastbourne West Promenade Pebble Beach



‘Eastbourne West Promenade Pebble Beach’

Eastbourne art print description

This Eastbourne art print depicts the promenade looking towards the West and the South Downs. In the distance you can see the lush green hills past Holy Well towards Beachy Head.

Print details

Panoramic format. Print size 124 x 30.5 cm approx. Signed print from a limited edition of 100. From original ink drawing to which I apply colour digitally. Printed on fine art paper using archival inks.

Inspection of art print at studio.
Photograph of the base drawings for the art print. I draw these on A3 sheets of specialised marker paper with calligraphic brushes, fine-line ink pens, sponges, sand paper and other materials. The medium is watercolour, ink and charcoal. I scanned these to form the main line work and patterns in the final print.

About this Eastbourne art print

In the distance the hills meet the shore in the shape of imposing white chalk cliffs. Closer to us,  the beach at low tide shows the construction of the numerous  timber groins along the scattered rocks. At the front you can see the promenade with thatched beach shelter below the Italian Gardens and the Grand Hotel.

The Grand Hotel

Local architect Robert Knott Blessley did the designs for the Grand Hotel which construction happened in 1875. However the local resident William Earp proposed its construction, with a formidable 400-foot frontage at a cost of £50,00

The Grand Hotel is well known for its association with music. Claude Debussy corrected the proofs of La Mer between 24 July and 30 August 1905 in Suite 200, which is now known as the Debussy Suite. Eastbourne was also where Frank Bridge completed work on his suite The Sea in 1911.

Two prints complete the picture

This print is the complimentary view of my other print that looks towards the West, hence its name ‘Eastbourne East Promenade Pebble Beach’.

Print collection Pebble Beach

This print belongs to a tonal collection that I have named ‘Pebble Beach’.  Specifically the palette for this collection reflects the variation of colours and tones in the beach pebbles that can be found along the East Sussex Coast. In fact the pebbles are flint, a hard grey rock found in the chalk cliffs. Through natural erosion the flints are released from the cliffs and slowly make their way through to form the pebble beaches.

‘Eastbourne West Promenade Pebble Beach’. Framed art print
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