Art print gallery

Welcome to alej ez art!

Here, you can find a range of big and small art prints that I have been creating since 2009. I am an architect and artist living in Brighton, UK. All my prints are made from my original black ink drawings, to which I apply colour digitally.

My themes vary from coastal and countryside scenes to architectural designs, flora, fauna and even mythological subjects . Ink forms the backbone, while colour is the soul of my work.

My studio is located in the North Laine, a very central area of Brighton. I am a member of Studio Greenhouse, a cooperative of creative people. I often welcome visitors, so if you would like to learn more about my work, please contact me to arrange a studio visit.

Explore my collection of prints, including my latest creations and previous works. Browse the menu for information on print sizes, colorways, themes, commissions, and unique one-off pieces. Dive into comprehensive articles about my work and find the perfect piece for your interior —read all about it!

Visit my link to Alej ez YouTube Videos to learn about my practice as an artist

Selected art prints

Art print gallery

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